The Pony and the Porcupine

Once upon a time there was a princess named Suzannah who more than anything in the world wanted a pony.

Her Mom and Dad told her:

“No! Ponies are messy. Ponies are noisy and PONIES ARE SMELLY!”

So one day when her Mom and Dad were not paying attention she went to town and traded some of the crown jewels for a pony.

She asked the farmer:

“Is this Pony Messy?” the farmer said “No”. She asked “Is this pony Noisy” and the farmer said “NO”. She asked “Is this pony smelly?” and the farmer said “WEEEEELLLLLLLLL…..” but before he could answer she said “I love her I love her I will take her.”

She took her pony home and hid her in the far back stable under the tallest tower. She snuck the pony snacks.

The Pony was NOT noisy. The Pony was not Messy. But…the pony was VERY VERY FARTY. So Farty that one day the King and Queen said: “SNIFF SNIFF what is that smell?” and Princess Suzannah said: “NOTHING!” and the next day she went to see the wizard who gave her a very good idea.

So she tied a balloon to the pony’s bum and twice a day would run to remove the ballon filled with farts. The Wizard told her to take the balloon far away and pop it and she did that for two whole days but then got tired of running far away. So she hid them in a giant storage room in the tower.

Once upon a time a Princess named Suzannah had a brother named Thomas who more than anything in the world wanted a pet porcupine.

His Mom and Dad said “No! Porcupines are grumpy! Porcupines are curious! and PORCUPINES ARE POINT!”

So one day when his Mom and Dad were not paying attention he went to town and traded some of the crown jewels for a porcupine.

He asked the farmer

“Is this Porcupine grumpy?” and the farmer said “Yes”. He asked “Is this porcupine curious?” and the farmer said “Yes” and he asked “Is this porcupine pointy?” and the farmer said “WEEEEELLLLLLLLL…..” but before he could answer he said “I love him I love him I will take him.”

He took his porcupine home and hid him in a playroom across from the tower where the pony was hiding.

Thomas loved his porcupine very much and was always very careful to lock the door and give him a very careful kiss good night before leaving him. The first night he heard some sounds that sounded like:


This made the porcupine very grumpy. What is that strange noise!

The second night he heard a noise that sounded like:


This made the porcupine very grumpy and very curious. He wanted to find out what was making all that noise.

Then the third night he heard a noise that sounded like:


The porcupine was very grumpy, very curious, and very pointy. He decided to go explore and find the source of the funny noise.

He followed the SQUEEEEEAAAAK and SQUEEEEEAKKKKK and crept out from the room and down the hall. The squeaking had stopped and he heard Princess Suzannah tip-toeing down the hall holding two big round red balloons.

He followed her down the hall and watched her put the balloons in a closet full of big round red balloons and close the door quickly.

The porcupine had never seen a balloon before and he wanted to play with these colourful toys. So he opened the door and…..



The farts spread all over the kingdom. No one had ever smelled such terrible smells before. People panicked!

Princess Suzannah was quietly reading when she decided to stick her nose outside for some lovely fresh air. The air was NOT fresh. “Oh No! I know what happened!” said Princess Suzannah. She was very smart and came up with an idea.

She ran to her Mom and Dad and said “Mom and Dad can I have a vacuum cleaner?” and her Mom and Dad said “NO NO NO. Vacuums are dirty and ugly and loud.”

Princess Suzannah ran down to the general store and bought a vacuum and started sucking up all the farts.

Prince Thomas was loudly playing and decided he decided to stick his nose outside for some lovely fresh air. The air was NOT fresh. “OH No! I know what happened!” said Prince Thomas. He was very smart and came up with an idea.

He ran to his Mom and Dad and said “Mom and Dad can I have a giant bottle of perfume?” and his Mom and Dad said “NO NO NO. Giant perfume bottles are big and expensive and breakable.”

Prince Thomas ran down to the general store and bought a giant bottle of perfume and started to squirt it out into the air.

Soon the kingdom started to smell better and Suzannah and Thomas were exhausted from vacuuming and spraying all day. They slept till 9 o’clock the next morning. Princess Suzannah decided to keep the vacuum on her pony’s bum and Prince Thomas decided to wrap his porcupine in bubble wrap whenever he became too curious.

The End.



