Chris Goes to Culinary School

Week 1

Sundays are tricky because the subway doesn’t start running until 8 and I need to be at St James Campus by 8:30. So I take the bus and manage to get my way to Sherbourne and Dundas for 8am and walk from there. It’s not a great walk. I haven’t been in that part of town in a while and it’s bleak.

I arrive with 5min to spare and find a table. It’s a full class and it’s made up of a broad cross section of people.

The Chef gets started with course overview, safety, general guidelines and rules. She tells us about the equipment we’ll need. I had most of it purchased last week but intend to pickup a few more things this week. She teaches us how to make some stock (Brown, Chicken, Fish, and Veggie/Dashi). We get a break and a chance to go pickup our uniforms from the book store.

The second half of the class was a demo on some salads. We get a chance to go off and make a basic lentil salad and not overly interesting, but it’s our first chance to really cook. I whip through mine and try and help a few folks struggling at my table.

Finished up a bit early and checked in with the Chef and went home.

Overall I enjoyed the day. B said that I’m probably going to be a bit bored with this class since I cook already. Scanning the syllabus there isn’t anything there that I can’t do already with the notable exception of egg cookery. I don’t eat eggs, so I never bothered to learn how to cook them. I am looking forward to the other courses that GB offers.



